Don’t Like Video Courses? Check Out the New AWS Cloud Practitioner Exam Study Guide!

The AWS Cloud Practitioner certification is one of the most popular IT qualifications out there, with individuals with all kinds of backgrounds taking the exam to better understand the AWS ecosystem.

At present, there are plenty of AWS certification video courses to help you study for this important exam. But not everyone is receptive to the video format. For instance, many of us prefer to study using books.  

Whether this is a hangover from studying for school or merely a personal preference, up until now, high-quality study books for IT certifications have been few and far between. 

However, that’s all about to change with the release of the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam Guide, a book that finally delivers what students taking this essential IT certification need. 

New Book-Based Study Guide Launched for AWS Cloud Practitioner 

While we can all appreciate that people have different learning styles, the market has overly favored video courses in a directed learning format. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with this learning method, some prefer self-guided study with books. 

While some study guides have been published for AWS courses, they have often been found to lack practical guidance, with chapters mainly covering theoretical concepts. That is until now.

The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam Guide book represents a holistic self-study option if that’s how you prefer to prepare for what is one of the world’s top-paying IT certifications. But how is it different from existing book-based options? 

How AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam Guide is Different 

First and foremost, there is a clear focus on hands-on lab exercises. Students working their way through this study guide can develop real-world experience using their free AWS account and the guidance contained with the exercises. 

For instance, those who purchase this AWS study guide will learn how to build multi-tier application architectures and develop a comprehensive understanding of cost saving strategies using automation (to name just a few of the areas covered), with hands-on labs.   

Not only will this give you a much better chance of excelling when it comes to the exam, but you will also gain much more confidence talking about the concepts when interviewing for a new job position, for example.    

Next, this in-depth book-based study guide reaches far beyond the scope of the Cloud Practitioner exam. Readers will likely reference the materials for many years to come as they come to create use cases in the real world. Unlike subscription or time-based online courses, you will always have the reading materials to refer back to if you are unsure on a specific subject.     

Try the New Self-Guided Study Guide for AWS Cloud Practitioner Today 

With an abundance of video courses available for the AWS certifications, those who prefer self study via books have often been left wanting by a lack of an in-depth study guide.

However, that has all changed with the launch of the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam Guide. Now students can learn at their own pace without missing out on any of the hands-on labs associated with online video courses. Better still, you can hang on to the study materials for as long as you want and continue to refer back to them whenever you need to when building on AWS in the real world. 

The book is available on Kindle and in paperback from Amazon today. Why not grab a copy and start taking notes, highlighting important sections, and learning more about the AWS ecosystem at your own pace? 

Purchase AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam Guide